so, i was talking to my friend cheryl from bay area the other day. and she mentioned how she's the minority down in her neck of the woods. (i grew up with white bread. lots and lots of white bread. don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with white bread. in fact, i prefer it.)
but anyway, she said when she goes to her local coffee shop (starbucks, is it?) they—the wheat/rye/sourdough-looking baristas across the counter—always spell her name with an 's.' as in [s]heryl rather than [c]heryl.
cheryl, being a lovely thinker such as myself, came up with a theory that depending on what you look like or what the barista looks like (i'm talking bread type, people!), they will spell your name [s/cheryl] accordingly.
that said, i've decided to jump on the bandwagon and try out the s/cheryl challenge. i've been to tully's downtown by the workplace once so far, and damnit, they didn't ask for my name. but i'm excited. and cheryl says she is 75% sure they will spell my name with an 's.'
i've asked a couple of other people and they all think they'll spell it with a 'c.' i figure it really depends 1) if you know a s/cheryl, and if you do, how they spell their name and 2) you got it, ethnicity.
we'll see how seattle judges me. i personally think a sourdough-looking person such as myself would be spelled with a 'c.'
perhaps you'd be interested in taking the s/cheryl challenge as well.
oh, and, it is fair to note that when i tell those baristas my name is ty, they tooootally pause and judge me. i frequently hide the cup of my vanilla or peppermint latte with a hot-sleeve, as the "thai" or "tai" really offends me. :P
i mean, come on, people.
oh man, i'm totally doing this!
(by the way, is it awful of me to be SO happy my mom named me a race-neutral name like christina?)
Looking forward to reading the results of your experiment! I doubly curious because I lived in Seattle for a year (last year). I may do it here in LA, and we can compare notes! :)
Ahhh. I might just jump on the bandwagon, too.
My name is Sarah, and people never cease to shortchange me an "H".
I think it's because they figure I'm Jewish or some shit. Who knows...
update: i'm irritated. those funky faux-hawk and striped haired baristas have yet to ask my name. local. chain. you name it. i guess they just don't care to know me. :P
I'm a little bit irritated for you. Isn't asking the customer's name protocol at a coffee house? Unless, of course, they make your drink personally while you wait to pay. Hmmmmm.......
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